In 1982, five ESL teachers identified a need and shared a vision for integrated skills and language training. That vision became Toronto Office Skills, the former name of the agency. As the immigrant/refugee community needs change, the agency evaluated itself, restructured, and raised funds to acquire a building and what emerged from that process is the agency, as we know it – Skills for Change.
Skills for Change is known for pioneering programs that respond to shifting immigration and workplace trends and lead to employment. From its inception, Skills for Change assumed a leadership role to address policy issues, undertake public education and research on issues affecting immigrants and refugees. At the same time, we pioneered innovative service models specific to internationally trained professionals. Now a range of accelerated programs are offered to fit the needs of the people arriving from all parts of the world. Services offered include information and referral, French and English language assessment, English language instruction, integrated language/skills training, employment preparation, business skills, mentoring, entrepreneurship skills, skilled trades and settlement services. Through learning and training opportunities for immigrants and refugees to access and fully participate in the workplace and wider community, we envision a Canada where every immigrant succeeds.
Years of Equity-Focused Service
Immigrants & Refugees Served Annually
Programs & Services
Skills for Change has received the following recognition: Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citation of Citizenship Award; Conference Board of Canada Community Learning Award; and Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomer Champion Award.